Chicago Society for Space Studies events, activities, and meetings are reported on in our blog in the
Meetings and Events category with the most recent postings shown below. In addition, our meetings are announced in our Spacewatch newsletter.

Chicago Society for Space Studies Sponsors SEDS Spacevision Conference
Chicago Society for Space Studies (CSSS) is proud to be a sponsor of SpaceVision - the annual conference of the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS). This year's SpaceVision is being held at Ida Noyes Hall at the University of Chicago on...

James Webb Space Telescope First Science Images Presentation
The July CSSS meeting will feature CSSS Vice President Larry Boyle giving his presentation James Webb Space Telescope: First Science Images

David Brin Speaks on Opportunities, Dangers and Destiny in the Solar System and Beyond
The April 2022 CSSS meeting will feature special guest speaker David Brin who will give the presentaion “Opportunities, Dangers and Destiny in the Solar System and Beyond.”

NIU Law Review Symposium Sustainable Development in Space Law
The Northern Illinois University (NIU) Law Review will host a symposium “Sustainable Development in Space Law: Ethical and Economic Considerations of Settlement in Outer Space” Friday April 8, 2022..

2021 Space Year in Review Program
According to CSSS Vice President Larry Boyle, "It was a crowded year in space but most people didn't notice because of all the COVID related news." Indeed, 2021 was one of the most impactful years in space based on the breadth and scope of the many missions, both...