Jun 28, 2022 | Mars Missions, Space Science
NASA Mars 2020 helicopter Ingenuity as photographed by the Perseverance Rover. Panoramic image assembled and processed by Jim Plaxco.
Jun 28, 2022 | National Space Society, Space News
Chicago Society for Space Studies Receives the NSS Chapter Excellence Award The National Space Society Chapters Committee held its annual Chapters Awards Ceremony as a part of the 2022 International Space Development Conference (ISDC). While the awards were formally...
Jun 27, 2022 | Space Education
By Frances Dellutri, NSS director of Education and CSSS Speakers Bureau Speaker National Space Society’s SpacEdge Education has presented an exciting program that involves students debating critical topics on space policy and good governance as we prepare for rapid...
Jun 27, 2022 | Space Conferences
Following is a list of a variety of space conferences and space conventions that are held annually. These conferences vary widely in terms of cost, scope of topics, number of presentations, exhibits, and nature of the presentations. Some of these space conferences are...
Mar 29, 2022 | Meetings and Events, Space News
Astrophysicist, space technologist and science fiction author David Brin applauds the Apollo-wannabes for their eagerness to achieve rites of adulthood on the moon. But he argues that the USA does not need a footprint ‘bar-moonzvah’ on that dusty, useless...