FermiLab Field Trip

Fermi Lab Wilson Hall In March, the CSSS field trip was to the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory located in Batavia. Fermilab’s mission is the goal of high-energy physics: to learn what the universe is made of and how it works. Fermilab builds and operates...

Chicago Society for Space Studies 2005 Activities

During 2005, the Chicago Society for Space Studies has either sponsored or participated in the following activities. Date Activity Description 01/16/2005 Chapter Outing and Meeting, Adler Planetarium, Chicago Approximately 12 members attended our outing to the Adler...

Chicago Society for Space Studies 2004 Activities

During 2004, the Chicago Society for Space Studies was active educating the public about space exploration, both human and robotic, and the new NASA “Vision for Space Exploration”. There were 23 public education programs, 6 meetings, 2 field trips, 2 Moon...

Minutes of the Feb 6, 2005 CSSS Business Meeting

As Submitted by CSSS Secretary Mary Jeske Present were Bob Jeske, Mary Jeske, Larry Boyle, Penny Boyle, Owen Bassett, John Vittallo, Jim Plaxco. Web site: Jim Plaxco Jim purchased a domain name from Lunarpages. The account he has for us will be chicagospace.org. Jim...