Jul 21, 2017 | Space News, Space Policy
As a previous participant in the Alliance for Space Development Home District Blitz, the Chicago Society for Space Studies is supporting the 2017 August Home District Blitz and is seeking volunteers from Illinois to join our efforts to promote space development. The...
Sep 2, 2016 | Commercial Space, Space News
The Apollo Space Program Exhibit at Gail Borden Public Library, Elgin IL Over the summer of 2016, the Gail Borden Public Library of Elgin IL was home to a wide variety of space exploration exhibits. In addition to the exhibits, the library also offered a wide range of...
Jul 7, 2016 | Space News, Space Policy
In 2014, Chicago Society for Space Studies (CSSS) members and officers took part in the Alliance for Space Development / National Space Society / Space Frontier Foundation Home District Blitz. CSSS representatives visited with three United States Representatives and...
Jun 20, 2016 | Meetings and Events, Space Education, Space News
Chicago Society for Space Studies members and friends have just been extended a 75% discount on student registration for the Go For Launch! program that will be held at Deerfield High School for June 28-30, 2016. Go For Launch! is a 3-day program (8 hours per day)...
Jun 3, 2016 | Meetings and Events, Space News, Space Policy
Former Governor Gary Johnson (right) and CSSS President Jim Plaxco (left) at the Libertarian Party National Convention By Jim Plaxco, June 03 2016 Elected to be an Illinois delegate to the Libertarian Party National Convention as a delegate supporting the Gary Johnson...
May 25, 2015 | National Space Society, Space News
At the 2015 International Space Development Conference in Toronto, Canada, the Chicago Society for Space Studies was presented with the National Space Society’s Award of Special Merit For Speaker Programs. The award was presented during the NSS Governors Dinner....