Chicago Society for Space Studies Space News is focused on news and announcements that are associated with Chicago Society for Space Studies activities.

NIU Law Review Symposium Sustainable Development in Space Law
The Northern Illinois University (NIU) Law Review will host a symposium “Sustainable Development in Space Law: Ethical and Economic Considerations of Settlement in Outer Space” Friday April 8, 2022..

2021 Space Year in Review Program
According to CSSS Vice President Larry Boyle, "It was a crowded year in space but most people didn't notice because of all the COVID related news." Indeed, 2021 was one of the most impactful years in space based on the breadth and scope of the many missions, both...

National Space Society 2021 Excellence in Speaker Outreach Award
On July 31, 2021 the National Space Society held its annual Chapters Awards Ceremony to recognize those chapters whose activities during the 2020 calendar year merited recognition.

Sloan Digital Sky Survey Webinar
The next meeting of the Chicago Society for Space Studies will be Sunday April 18 at 1:00pm Central time and will be a Zoom webinar titled The Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

Summary of CSSS Speakers Bureau Presentations for 2020
Image: Planet Earth as Art was a presentation given at a joint virtual meeting of Chicago Society for Space Studies (CSSS) and the Huntsville Alabama L5 (HAL5) Society. 2020 was a difficult year for all of us - and that includes the CSSS Speakers Bureau. Not...

A NSS Space Forum Presentation on the Mars Society Mars City State Design Contest
CSSS President Jim Plaxco will be a speaker at the next National Space Society Space Forum. His topic will be How To Design A Martian Civilization Of One Million People: Experiences From The Mars City-State Design Competition which addresses his experiences as a...