Space Policy
One aspect of the educational activities of the Chicago Society for Space Studies is to address issues of national and international space policy. To that end, CSSS has given multiple public presentations on various aspects of space policy. CSSS has also engaged with elected officials, primarily at the national level, to educate and advocate for those policies identified as being beneficial to the development of space as a new frontier of human activity.
Following is a list of articles from the CSSS blog dealing with space policy with a focus on associated CSSS activities.
![U.S. Space Policy Meeting with U.S. Congressional Candidate Chris Dargis](
U.S. Space Policy Meeting with U.S. Congressional Candidate Chris Dargis
On August 1 2022 Chicago Society for Space Studies President Jim Plaxco met with Chris Dargis, Republican congressional candidate for the IL 8th congressional district to discuss the Alliance for Space Development 2022 space policy positions.
Support the Citizens’ Space Agenda and the 2017 August Home District Blitz
As a previous participant in the Alliance for Space Development Home District Blitz, the Chicago Society for Space Studies is supporting the 2017 August Home District Blitz and is seeking volunteers from Illinois to join our efforts to promote space development.
Space Policy Blitz Results 2016
Space Policy Blitz 2016 with (from left to right) Jim Plaxco, Representative Randy Hultgren, and Andrew Gasser Sept. 02 2016 In July, Chicago Society for Space Studies issued a call for volunteers to participate in the Alliance for Space Development's 2016 August Home...
Home District Space Policy Activism Blitz in Illinois
In 2014, Chicago Society for Space Studies (CSSS) members and officers took part in the Alliance for Space Development / National Space Society / Space Frontier Foundation Home District Blitz. It is now 2016 and once again elections are around the corner and once again CSSS is calling for volunteers to participate in the Home District Blitz.
A Space Policy Discussion with Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson
Elected to be an Illinois delegate to the Libertarian Party National Convention as a delegate supporting the Gary Johnson candidacy, I was presented with multiple opportunities to speak with former Governor Johnson over the course of the convention. Most of my discussions with him dealt with the commercial space aspects of national space policy.
SPACE Act Passes Congress With Little Help From Illinois
The SPACE (Spurring Private Aerospace Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship) Act passed in the U.S. House of Representatives on May 21. CSSS congratulates the House of Representatives for passing this pro-space legislation.
Who says we can’t afford going back to the Moon — or on to Mars and Beyond?
A Lunar base with astronauts exploring with their rover By Ned Dodds, 4/18/2008 When you come right down to it, the bottom line isn't the bottom line. Space exploration is not about the cost. And it’s not about fixing all our problems at home first either. That's an...
Why We Do And Must Go Into Space
The short answer — more than three decades after Apollo 11 landed on the Moon — to why we go into Space is “we must.”
Those who say that manned space flight is “a bust,” or “unnecessary,” are depressingly shortsighted. They miss the whole point.